Agribusiness Group

It is a solid and qualified company, operating in the entire resiniferous pine chain through our companies Ecoplant, Resiminas and Campinus.
We are supported by solid relationships, whether with employees, customers, and partners, and committed to tradition, seriousness, and responsibility over decades.

If you identify yourself with our values, come and join in making land a field of opportunities!

(15) 3522-4499

Rodovia Eduardo Saigh(SP-249), KM 3

(15) 3522-4499

Av. Kazumi Yoshimura, 1360 – Parque Industrial, Itapeva – SP, 18410-480

(15) 3522-4499

Rod. Eng. Lauri Simões de Barros (SP-189), km 5

Av. Kazumi Yoshimura, 1360 – Parque Industrial, Itapeva – SP, 18410-480