Fields of Activities

The pioneering spirit of the Resineves Agronegócios Group in the cultivation of resinous Pine trees lead to the foundation of Resineves Ecoplant, a division dedicated to the research, development, and genetic improvement of seedlings, aiming at the continuous improvement of productivity and quality, both in resin and timber.

Working in partnership with universities such as UFLA (Universidade Federal de Lavras – MG) and UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista – SP) in the permanent improvement of genetic selection techniques, either by sexual reproduction (direct pollination) or by asexual reproduction (cuttings and other cloning techniques), Resineves Ecoplant has been building an important work in promoting reforestation and forest management in Brazil.

In addition to serving its own production chain, the nursery located in Itapeva/SP sells seedlings of Pinus, Eucalyptus, and other ornamental plants.

Av. Kazumi Yoshimura, 1360 – Parque Industrial, Itapeva – SP, 18410-480